Histoire du château / History of the castle
XVI° Siècle

En 1515, Louis XII transmet la couronne à son gendre François d'Orléans, fils de Charles d'Orléans et de Louise de Savoie, qui prend le nom de François 1er.

Dès son retour de captivité en Espagne (1526 Fin de la première guerre contre Charles-Quint), le roi, François 1 er, entreprend de grands travaux à Fontainebleau.
Ceux - ci font partie d'un mouvement général de constructions nouvelles, on y compte Chambord, Villers-Cotterêts, le Louvre et le château de Madrid (Bois de Boulogne).

La vieille tour ayant abrité la chambre de Saint Louis est conservée et François 1er y souhaite la sienne. On reconstruit les bâtiments entourant la Cour Ovale, et d'autres nouveaux édifices.
XVIth Century

In 1515, Louis XII passed the crown on to his son-in-law François of Orleans, son of Charles of Orleans and Louise of Savoy.
The new king took the name François I.

On his return from captivity in Spain (in 1526, at the end of the first war against Charles Quint), the king, François 1, undertook extensive building work at Fontainebleau.
This was part of a general drive for new construction, which also included Chambord, Villers-Cotterêts, the Louvre and Madrid Château (in the Bois de Boulogne, Paris).

The old tower where Saint Louis (Louis IX) bedroom was situated was preserved and François I wanted his to be in the same place. He had the buildings surrounding the Oval Courtyard rebuilt and extensions added.